Thank you!

As you probably already know, i have joined the ZombieMinecraft team, so a huge thanks to everyone who voted for me and here is the article i won with:

It is deep in the night, you are walking around in the forest. What is that, the black thing next to the tree? When you look again, you don’t see anything so you just walk away and pretend nothing happened. You can hear footsteps behind you and when you turn around, it is already too late..

You have probably already guessed what I’m talking about: Enderman.

The Enderman is a monster Notch will be adding in The adventure update (1.8), They are pretty large (3 blocks) and they are completely black except their eyes, their eyes are green.

If you see them, they stand still and stare at you as long as you keep looking at them, the moment you look away they will quickly run towards you or when they are far away, they will teleport in little steps to spots in your line of sight. Notch did not say anything about if they will kill you but they probably will ;)

Enderman can also pick up and move blocks so it will be extra creepy if there suddenly is a hole in your house and when you look through it there will be a enderman staring at you through the hole.


  1. Basically running away into your house will do nothing, as it will literally grief it lol.
